
Integrity Driven Chemicals

About Your Chemical Distribution Partner

The word Novamen is derived from the Latin word meaning “a new method, idea or product.” The English equivalent for this word would be innovation. Innovation and creative thinking have driven the technological advances of the past 100 years. From Thomas Edison’s General Electric to Bill Gates’ Microsoft, new methods, ideas and products consistently reshape how we live our lives. In order to live up to our name and represent this innovative spirit, we search for superior, innovative products and services to meet and exceed the needs of our customers.

Novamen is a privately held company and was started in 2010. With almost 40 years of combined knowledge and experience in these markets, the founders are building the company with the intention of offering products and services to industrial clients that go beyond those of traditional chemical companies. Operating in Alberta, our focus is primarily on industrial, oil, natural gas and mining industries throughout Canada.

While we are, at our core, a chemical manufacturing and distribution company, our products and services are designed to create value for our clients. We do this by taking the time to truly understand our customers’ requirements and then tailor our products and services to meet these needs.

An Indigenous Business

Novamen is proud to be an Indigenous-owned and operated business with Métis heritage from the Red River Settlement in Northern Manitoba, and we are a proud affiliate of the Mcleod Indian Band. It is an important part of who we are as a business and as individuals. And as an Indigenous-owned company, we are dedicated to maintaining a connection with our communities and heritage. We also believe it is important to acknowledge Indigenous and Métis land and groups in the areas where Novamen is active.