Process Dust Control

Whether you need to control airborne dust on petroleum coke or coal train cars and stockpiles, or you want to boost the effectiveness of your water suppression operation, Novamen’s process dust control products can help you get the job done.

Our dust suppression chemicals are environmentally friendly, so they will not harm the surrounding plant and animal life. Many of our process dust control products are also freeze conditioned, allowing them to work efficiently in cold weather.

Learn more about Novamen’s line of process dust control products.

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Product Lineup


Nova DCP-Enviro will not harm vegetation or animal life close to the application, making it an ideal product to use near wetlands or other areas of environmental sensitivity. For use in heavy industrial practices.
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Novamen has developed DCP-NATURALLY, a subtle, more refined version of our dust control products that can be used in enclosed manufacturing processes.
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Nova DCP WWA is a proprietary, non-ionic surfactant blended with wetting enhancers. It boosts the natural effectiveness of water and delivers the dust suppression performance you need.
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NovaCap C

NovaCap C is designed specifically for the control of airborne dust on the top of petroleum coke or coal train cars and stockpiles by providing a flexible cap to seal the top layer of coal or coke
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