Road Dust Control Chemicals

The dust from unpaved roads can cause a lot of damage and potential safety hazards. The dust stirred up by vehicles cause can impair the vision of drivers. It can also be unhealthy for surrounding residents and the environment. The loose gravel can also cause damage to your vehicles.  

Novamen Inc. has developed a line of road dust control products to help control debris from service roads, rural roads, and other unpaved roads. Our dust control chemicals are all environmentally friendly, so they are safe for your staff, residents and the surrounding environment.

Learn more about our line of eco-friendly road dust control products.

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Product Lineup


Nova DCP-C is a concetrated emulsion product that provides a high performance treatment solution for unpaved road surfaces. It works as a dust suppression product and provides surface stabilization for roads.
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Nova DCP-FS is our signature ready to use dust control product, a resin-modified emulsion product that provides a high performance treatment solution for unpaved road surfaces.
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Nova DCP-LT is a cost-effective dust control and road stabilization product that combines wetting agents with an organic chemical that effectively controls dust on gravel roads in low temperatures.
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Nova DCP-OBLT is a long-lasting dust control product for a variety of uses such as oilfield and heavy mining traffic roads, parking lots, and road shoulders, where pavement is too costly and dust conditions become intolerable.
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Nova DCP WWA is a proprietary, non-ionic surfactant blended with wetting enhancers. It boosts the natural effectiveness of water and delivers the dust suppression performance you need.
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