Customer Testimonies

Ernco Environmental has been using Novamen products since 2019. We are very happy with the performance of a number of the products that we get from Novamen. The EcoFreeze line has proven very effective for keeping the pumps on our rigs from freezing up in the winter when other products have claimed to do the same but have failed. We are also using the NovaSol HD which has been a superior degreaser compared to others for cutting through the thread compound the gets on our rigs from daily use. We use the P-500 soap in our wash bay and are very pleased with how little goes for so long. Other soaps we have purchased in the past didn’t seem to cut through the road grime that the P-500 soap does. Also the Novamen team are very easy to deal with and very accommodating.
Jeremy Ernst
Ernco Environmental
For several years, we have had issues with the wastewater lagoon septicity. We were frequently receiving odour complaints due to H2S formation. We began applying the Q7 to the main lift station feeding the lagoon, and within 3 weeks we saw a significant decrease in sulfide levels in the anaerobic cells. Additionally, the lagoon feeds a wastewater force main, which has approximately 3 days of detention time. After applying the Q7, we also noticed that the wastewater in force main was not going septic either. We saw a significant drop in the H2S levels at the end of the force main, as measured in the manhole where the force main connects to the gravity main. The odour complaints from businesses in that area stopped.

The Q7 chemical has been very beneficial to our operations.
Joel Kisner
Aquatera Utilities
Our first purchase of DCP-FS was from you in May 2018 and it was incredibly effective. We were impressed with how long it lasted and, more importantly, that it would absorb more dust as it became wet again from time to time. This product was also easy on the vegetation along the roadside and the vehicles that travelled on it. This product has been the best we have used in the past 12 years!

I would like to thank you for your product and competitive rates. I will use this product in the future and have no issues recommending it to other companies looking to do dust control in the future.
Doug Tryon
Rush Energy Services Inc.
We only have experience in dealing with Rydlyme in the past year and a half on our 11000 liter/min brine flow heat exchanger. The heat exchanger is used for heating brine with steam and the brine side of the heat exchanger forms hard scale due to hardness in the brine solution. We take the heat exchanger off line and circulate 50/50% Rydlyme for 4-6 hours to remove the hard scale from the heating surface to improve the efficiency of the heat exchanger. Rydlyme has worked well for our application and the best part is that it is environmentally friendly and it can be disposed through sumps in our plant. We used Hydrochloric acid before we tried Rydlyme and it had fumes and burn hazard to human skin. Rydlyme is safer than Hydrochloric acid to handle and user friendly. We are happy with the results produced by Rydlyme for our application.
Potash Corp SK