Ethylene Glycol

Industrial Grade Ethylene Glycol

Ethylene glycol is offered in various grades and quantities. Novamen can specially tailor the right blend of glycol, deionized water, inhibitors, and dyes for all your standard EG applications. Specialist inhibitors such as Novatherm IEG, a heat transfer fluid, can also be added to the glycol upon request.

  • Ethylene glycol is used for various industrial applications, including heat transfer. The products are blended using virgin, industrial grade ethylene glycol and then de-mineralized
  • Novamen’s ethylene glycol meets the highest industry standards
  • Ethylene glycol provides excellent protection against freezing and boil over when used in closed loop systems, as well as line heaters, re-boilers, refrigeration plants and other industrial applications where ethylene glycol is used
  • Ethylene glycol is available in 1000 litre totes, 205 litre drums and bulk


Contact Novamen today for more information.